Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

benefits of lemon tea and green tea

benefits of lemon tea and green tea Lemon is not only beneficial plunged in a glass of water. Or, to be part of the vegetable juice latter being popular.

For skin and face, lemon has a myriad of uses.

When the skin was dry trying to practice this way. Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon. Coconut is useful as a natural moisturizer. Medium lemon has a function to brighten the skin.

When the knees and elbows look blackened, simply rub lemon halved. Shortly after that the skin on the knees and elbows will be brighter.

Lemon is also useful to treat acne. Lemon basically works as an anti-bacterial. Simply slice a lemon and squeeze the juice into the facial acne. Unwittingly acne will disappear, with no side effects. Since lemon is a natural anti-bacterial.

Another benefit is the use of lemon as a skin cleanser. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with tea-tree oil with water. Put the liquid in a cotton swab to clean the skin used. Especially troubled skin.

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